Kantor Taylor

Affordable Housing Finance

The attorneys at Kantor Taylor have been on the forefront of affordable housing finance for over twenty years. Our attorneys participate in transactions across the United States, although we focus our practice in the western states. We advise public, nonprofit, and for-profit developers and owners, as well as equity investors, tax credit syndicators and lenders on virtually all federal and state affordable housing finance programs. These programs include the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, tax-exempt private activity bond financing, HUD-insured financing, HUD 202 and 811 Capital Advance Programs, USDA Rural Development programs, federal CDBG and HOME programs, and various other state and local housing finance programs.

Kantor Taylor attorneys have been lead counsel on over two hundred housing projects ranging from small rural developments to downtown mixed-use projects. These projects represent the range of affordable housing: work-force housing, housing for low income families and individuals, farm-worker housing, housing for the elderly, emergency and transitional housing, service-enhanced special-needs housing, and recovery housing. We understand not only the real estate and financing intricacies of these projects, but also the challenges these projects face in social service delivery and funding, NIMBY-ism, fair housing, and other compliance issues.

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  • Kantor Taylor PC
    1200 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1910
    Seattle, WA 98101
    t 206.625.9898
    f 206.625.9951